Machinery & Robotics Design – Intelligent Solutions for People and Technology

For over 20 years, Eckstein Design has been creating award-winning Machine and robotics designs. Ergonomic, intuitive, and brand-enhancing – for better usability and efficiency. Learn more now!

Machines & Robotics

A perfect connection: we bring people, process and technology together.

Lübberig L.adu 150 Advanced Drilling Unit from the side showing the high quality industrial design

Eckstein Design has been working in machine and robotics design for over 20 years. From the very beginning, our focus has been on identifying user needs, meeting them and improving usability.

Syr Drufi backwash filter with bright yellow accentsRollprofi Flexipass is used to guide a cable through a cable trough showing the ease of use
Jeeves service Robot three quarter view

We strive for products that forge connections both physically and emotionally and above all, that have the ability to communicate. Because no matter how high the degree of automation is, machines and robotic systems should always be able to be controlled and understood by people, be intuitive to operate and efficient to use. Only when these challenges have been solved do product solutions prove to be superior. The creative path to achieve this is often pioneering work, which we do with enthusiasm.

"Machines and robotics must not only function. They must also be able to communicate".

Steilen Hl2020 Hot air gun with add on infrared thermometer

The holistic development of machines and robotics requires the extensive expertise that we at Eckstein Design bring to the table and use with our clients: extensive experience in the development of ergonomic, extremely user-friendly tools and systems. In order to deeply understand the needs of those who work with machines or robotic systems, we usually conduct several user studies. Based on the feedback, we get to know the users and environments in the areas of robotics and machines intensively, some of which have highly specialised and extreme requirements for physical products. We start our agile design process based on the insights gained in this way, which leads to the final product via sketches, further studies and prototypes. Important in this process is that each product in itself represents your brand: the sum of its qualities represents a reflection of your identity, which is the basic prerequisite for high user loyalty and brand retention.

The results of our work are excellent. Many have received one of the renowned international design awards such as the IF Award or RedDot.

More projects


Lübbering Roll Profi FLEXIPASS

Design overcomes corners and edges

Lübbering L.ADU 150 / 260

Design and utility in perfect harmony

Robotise JEEVES

The hotel experience of the future is already being delivered today

Steinel Corporate Identity

Characteristic brand design with added value

SmartRay Ecco75

3D-Sensor for automated weld inspection