NEB Living Lab: Energy - Pioneering the Energy Transition in Bavaria

NEB Living Lab: Energy

Pioneering the Energy Transition in Bavaria

The Intersection of Design and Sustainable Energy

he “NEB Living Lab: Energy” vividly illustrates how interdisciplinary collaboration can advance the energy transition. At the heart of this groundbreaking project is the endeavor to not only increase the acceptance of renewable energies through creative and innovative design approaches but also to seamlessly integrate them into people’s daily lives. Here, design plays a central role by acting as a bridge between advanced technology and human experience. The project, initiated by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, is meticulously curated by Bayern Innovativ GmbH and bayern design, as part of the New European Bauhaus Initiative of the European Commission.


Stefan Eckstein’s Contribution to the NEB Living Lab

Stefan Eckstein, founder and CEO of Eckstein Design, brought his expertise in industrial design to this project. His primary focus was on the seamless integration of aesthetics as an inherent process. His work focuses on understanding aesthetics as an integral part of the entire process. It’s not just about the design of individual objects or facilities, but about designing a comprehensive, harmonious interaction within their environment. Through innovative methodologies, approaches have been developed that cast the energy transition in a new light and are intended to find broad acceptance. The goal is to merge technology and design in a way that enhances quality of life and contributes to ecological sustainability.

The Role of Aesthetics in the Energy Transition

The NEB Living Lab is an interdisciplinary team consisting of Daniel Czechowski, landscape architect; Sabine Müller, project manager; Vesna Petresin, artist; Daniela Wohlschlager, energy scientist; and Stefan Eckstein, industrial designer. Their work proves that good design can promote social acceptance and the seamless integration of technological solutions into the community. By applying design principles, not only were innovative technical solutions developed, but also the way people perceive and experience renewable energies was reshaped.


Invitation to Co-create

The NEB Living Lab: Energy invites everyone to actively participate in shaping our energy future. The project shows that sustainable and socially accepted solutions can emerge through creative engagement and interdisciplinary collaboration. For deeper insights and more information, visit, where you can download the complete manifesto.

Further updates and press releases can be found on the website of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs.



The NEB Living Lab: Energy serves as a source of inspiration and a model for how we can shape a sustainable, aesthetically pleasing, and inclusive future through a combination of technical know-how and creative design. Stefan Eckstein’s role once again highlights how crucial design is for the successful implementation of the energy transition and inspires further active participation in this important process.